Neurodiversity acknowledges the diversity of ALL minds. The term refers to the differences between human brains that affect sociability, learning, mood, attention, and other mental functions. It challenges the view that any deviation from the norm is pathological and a disability, instead suggesting that societal barriers are the main contributing factor that disables people (KhironClinic 2021). It's a vital awareness topic that I wanted to highlight through this initiative as I've learned in recent years that I have a neurodivergent mind. It became more apparent to me that this way of thinking is something we should all embrace as it promotes a greater understanding of others, harmony, & compassion for others. Everyone learns and perceives the world in their own unique way as well as how we respond to the world, what might not register for one person could be life-changing for another. I love the diversity and neurodiversity of people we have on this earth... we need to have many varieties of minds, a multitude of perspectives and views so that there will be many solutions offered for different types of issues/challenges that we need to handle in life on a personal + societal level. This viewpoint is being highlighted more in discussions as advocates of this thought share the message of 'diversity rather than disability' to a broader segment of the population than just autism, including children + adults with intellectual disabilities, ADHD, dyslexia, and social + emotional disorders (T. Armstrong 2018). Accepting human neurodiversity is important so all people can live their best lives. Please read on for some information I have compiled from several sources and a video about how embracing neurodiversity can be empowering and powerful.

Neurodiversity is the natural diversity of human minds that acknowledges the whole spectrum of neurodiversity from neurodivergent individuals to neurotypical individuals. It is a biological fact as we are diverse in our minds just like we are diverse in our ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc. Neurodiversity refers to all the unique and different ways that people can exist, think, act, process, feel, and function. In the late 1990s, Judy Singer, a sociologist, who is on the autism spectrum herself, came up with a word to describe conditions like ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia, this word was "neurodiversity". Her hope and objective were to shift the focus of discourse about ways of thinking and learning away from the usual litany of deficits, disorders, and impairments.
Neurodivergent is an umbrella term to describe individuals who have a mind or brain that diverges from what is typical or normal. It can be acquired, genetic, an innate part of you, or not. It's not just restricted to Autism and ADHD but also mental health conditions like bipolar, personality disorders & more.Neurodivergence just means having a mind that functions differently from what is considered the norm or typical. Functioning differently might mean thinking, processing, interpreting, feeling, and experiencing things differently and so much which is why our neurodivergence is a big part of who we are and how we exist in this world.
Neurodiverse is a term to describe a group of individuals who represent the spectrum of neurodiversity which includes both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals.
NO! Neurodiverse & neurodivergent are not interchangeable terms that mean the same thing. There is no such thing as a “neurodiverse" person, because an individual, cannot be neurodiverse. If you're writing about individuals who aren't neurotypical or who don’t fit into the dominant norms, the term would be neurodivergent. For example: if you’re a professional who wants to say they specifically support autistic kids, kids with ADHD, and kids with learning disabilities, you wouldn’t say “neurodiverse kids” because that would imply you work with neurotypical AND neurodivergent kids. You work with neurodivergent kids.
WHAT'S UNDER THE NEURODIVERGENT UMBRELLA? A non-exhaustive list according to this infographic by Sonny Jane of livedexperiencededucator
The information above is an excerpt from a blog by Sonny Jane 2022, Lived Experience Educator website, accessed 6th August 2022
Neurodivergence is the state of being neurodivergent and can be genetic and innate (such as autism) or produced by experiences (such as trauma). Some forms of innate neurodivergence, like autism, are part of a person's core being. PTSD and C-PTSD are now considered by many to be within the umbrella of neurodivergence but fall under the category of acquired neurodivergence. That is, a kind of neurological difference that is related to an event or series of events, and not the result of innate, primarily genetic difference(s) as with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, or other kinds of neurological differences. (Hermanson & Fares 2021).
"Neurodiversity might be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. "
Being neurodivergent in a neuronormative society poses several challenges for individuals with diverse neurological profiles. Some of these challenges may include:
1. Misunderstanding and stigma: Neurodivergent individuals often face misunderstanding and stigma due to societal norms and stereotypes surrounding neurotypical behavior. This can lead to misconceptions about their capabilities, intelligence, and social skills, creating barriers to acceptance and inclusion.
2. Difficulty accessing support and accommodations: Many neurodivergent individuals struggle to access appropriate support and accommodations in various settings, such as education, employment, and healthcare. Limited resources, lack of awareness, and bureaucratic hurdles can make it challenging for them to receive the assistance they need to thrive.
3. Social isolation and rejection: Neurodivergent individuals may experience difficulties in social interactions, which can lead to feelings of isolation and rejection. They may struggle to understand social cues, navigate social norms, and establish meaningful connections with others, resulting in loneliness and marginalization.
4. Sensory overload and environmental challenges: Sensory sensitivities are common among neurodivergent individuals, making them more susceptible to sensory overload in noisy, crowded, or overstimulating environments. This can be particularly challenging in settings like classrooms, workplaces, or public spaces that are not designed to accommodate sensory differences.
5. Employment discrimination: Neurodivergent individuals often encounter discrimination and barriers to employment due to misconceptions about their abilities and challenges. Despite possessing valuable skills and talents, they may face difficulties securing and maintaining jobs, leading to higher rates of unemployment and underemployment.
6. Mental health challenges: Neurodivergent individuals are at increased risk of experiencing mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem due to the stressors associated with navigating a neuronormative world. Discrimination, social exclusion, and difficulty accessing support can exacerbate these mental health issues.
7. Lack of representation and advocacy: Neurodivergent voices are often marginalized and underrepresented in mainstream discourse, leading to a lack of awareness and advocacy for their needs and rights. Greater representation and advocacy efforts are needed to amplify their voices, raise awareness, and promote positive change.
Addressing these challenges requires collective efforts to promote acceptance, understanding, and inclusion of neurodiversity in all aspects of society. By fostering environments that value and accommodate diverse neurological profiles, we can create a more equitable and compassionate world for all individuals, regardless of their neurological differences.
When thought of as deficiencies, there is a tendency to want to medicate or treat neurological differences. However, neurodivergence itself is not an emotional, behavioral, physical, or psychiatric disorder (although neurodivergent individuals can also have these difficulties); therefore, medications and strict behavioral interventions are not necessary, do not work, and can be harmful. Here are some other ways to support neurodivergence instead:
Continue to learn about neurodiversity and neurodivergence.
Name, accept and celebrate neurodivergent identities.
Respect unique neurological profiles involving different sensory, communicative and behavioral expressions: Knowing that outward behaviors are an expression of one's unique identity and experience of the world, loving and accepting individuals, as they are, creates a solid foundation for health and wellness.
Instead of labeling neurological differences as deficiencies, consider them as strengths that can also be vulnerabilities. For example, the sensitivities and heightened experiences that often accompany neurodivergence can create overwhelm but can also facilitate great attention to detail and unique perspectives.
Recognize neurotypical biases and ableism in individuals, institutions, and society.
Challenge neurodivergent assumptions and stigma. One of the biggest assumptions is that neurodivergent individuals are not socially motivated or empathetic and have social deficiencies; however, this has only been found to be true when judged against neurotypical people. In reality, this “mind-blindness” goes both ways and neurotypical people also appear to have similar social difficulties when interacting with neurodivergent people.
Listen to neurodivergent voices (#actuallyautistic) and respect their truth and experience.
Find, change or modify environments to fit neurodivergent individuals so they can thrive.
Respect all forms of communication and expression, not just spoken words.
When discussing individuals, use the person’s name; when this is not an option, use identity-first language unless there is a preference for something else.
Don’t use functioning labels. Instead of using a functioning label, the person can simply be called "autistic." If more specificity is needed, describe specific needs and abilities.
If you are unsure how to best support someone, ask them!
EXCERPT from My Place of Mind Website 2019, accessed 29th July 2022
If you have any thoughts or questions about this page, feel free to contact me on the CONTACT page with the subject line: Neurodiversity.
The Mighty Website <>
Tiimo Website, Anna Fay Hermanson & Muhammed Fares, June 3 2021,<>
Khiron Clinics Website, Blog, Sept 15 2021, <>
Understood Website - For learning + Thinking differences <>
Human Diversity Should Be Celebrated Not Treated Like a Disorder, NOW THIS Youtube channel, 2018
T. Armstrong, American Institute of Learning & Human Development website, <>