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Sharing this documentary published by Hull Services and the Child Trauma Academy, Joel Pippus (Youth Care Counsellor, Hull Services) and Dr. Emily Wang (Director of Trauma Informed Services, Hull Services) talks about their research on how skateboarding can be a therapeutic following the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics created by Dr. Bruce Perry. This project gave me a better understanding on why skating has been therapeutic for me, helping me to heal from my traumas and keeping me present on the board. One of the points that I resonated with is this part: "Skateboarding provides a great deal of sensory stimuli which is foundational to the healthy operation of the brain. This includes things like the vibrations you feel through the board under your feet, the wind on your face, the sounds you hear, grinding, sliding, the pop of your tail, the pattern and repetitive click click sounds you hear as the wheels roll over cracks on the sidewalk. All of these things are inherently soothing and regulating" - Dr. Emily Wang (Starting from 4.32 of video).

"Push To Heal is a short film made in association with Hull Services and the Child Trauma Academy. It endeavors to verbally articulate and visually demonstrate the connections between skateboarding and neuroscience, and highlights skateboarding as an activity that can heal the human brain from past trauma. This film also provides a snapshot of how and why skateboarding should be viewed as a viable option as part of treatment for high needs children." (M. Allen)

PUSH TO HEAL is a Flying Fox Productions

Directed by Matt Allen & Joel Pippus

Written by Joel Pippus & Dr. Emily Wang, PH.D, R.PSYCH

The short film was released in 2018

Illustrations by Alexander Perry

Illustrations to show the positive effects of skateboarding on the brain, based on the neurosequential model. Copyright: Dr. Bruce Perry and the Child Trauma Academy. Healing starts from the bottom at the brainstem and works its way up in healing as one progresses through their skating practice. More details on how that works in the video.

PUSH TO HEAL is a pilot project of Pathways to Prevention: A Centre for Childhood Trauma

Joel Pippus : @push_to_heal

Hull Services: @hullservices



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